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BBQ Quarter Pounder with Cheese Burger – MCD Menu 2024

Here is the limited offer for you offered by McDonald with all its taste and delights, BBQ Quarter Pounder with Cheese Burger, this burger is one of the best burgers available for you within the Philippines. All the ingredients of the burger are fresh and tasty. Here is the one of the best burgers with all its beef patty and other fresh items used in its preparation. Also, Check the McCrispy Burger.

BBQ Quarter Pounder with Cheese Burger

I assure you that you will never miss the boat if you taste it for the first time because of its fresh ingredients and allergens like cheese and buns for you to increase the taste. It is available for you with all its delights and it is available at a reasonable price.

If you are looking to enjoy the BBQ, you are at the right place because BBQ Quarter Pounder Burger is one of the best offers on the McDonald burgers menu. It’s also available in combo meals with regular cold drinks and small fresh fries as well.

Ingredient for BBQ Quarter Pounder Burger

Here are the ingredients for BBQ Quarter Pounder Burger:

  • Quarter beef patty
  • Sesame bun
  • Onion
  • Cheese slice
  • Smoky BBQ sauce
  • Pickle slices

 Recipe for BBQ Quarter Pounder Burger

Here is the recipe for BBQ Quarter Pounder Burger:

  • First of all you have to get started with the key ingredient which is the beef patty.
  • You have to add a combination of spices, salt, and other elements to create a flavorful and craving patty.
  • Now you have to cut some fresh white onions into smaller pieces.
  • Open the packet of sesame seed buns and take them out to heat them on the flat pan.
  • Now you have to fry the patties in the cooking oil on the stove.
  • Proceed to fill the buns with the prepared ingredients
  • Place a slice of cheddar cheese on the bottom half of the bun.
  • After placing the cheese slice on the patty, now you have to place the desired amount of smoky BBQ sauce on the cheese layer.
  • The pickle slices on the sauce layer and the pieces of white onion on the pickle slice.
  • Put the second bun on the top of the patty to complete the information of your new McDonald BBQ.
  • Your burger is ready now to taste.


BBQ Quarter Pounder Burger is one of the best burgers offered by McDonald and I was also fond of this. I decided to offer the burger and I didi online. I will get the parcel within some time. I was surprised to see the quick delivery. I opened the parcel and the odor was so delicious. I tasted it and I will never forget the taste of the burger because I have never tasted such a burger in my life.

FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

What is the BBQ quarter pounder with cheese?

BBQ Quarter Pounder Burger is made up of rich ingredients and full of calories.

What is the best thing you like in this burger?

I like the quick delivery and the fresh ingredients for the burger.

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